Four Letters.

I was not planning on publishing another post so soon. The words you will read in this one, have been sitting in the draft folder for years. Even though I wrote the draft, I was never planning on sharing. I actually tried to share excerpts on twitter a few times, but it never felt like the time was right to share everything. I was not ready. We all have those experiences in life where we tell ourselves, it’s just not something others really need to know. But this draft is another chapter in my story. And I can’t deny the influences it has had on who I am today. I can’t omit a chapter, especially when I have seen the miraculous ways God has worked. Tonight, God gave me the nudge and I felt the peace that I need to know, it is time to hit “publish.”

When I first started this blog four years ago, I desired for this to be a place where God would use my voice to shine His light in very dark places. I knew that some posts would push me out of my comfort zone into a place of vulnerability. Over and over again, I have listened as God reveals to people with similar experiences that they are not alone. It is worth every ounce of fear I feel prior to pressing publish, and every minute I fear judgment, for one person to know they are not alone. So, here I am tonight, questioning why God wants me to publish this now, when there is so much pain being felt by so many, and so much uncertainty about what tomorrow holds.

Brene Brown says “Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it.  Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy- the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.” Here’s to taking the time to explore the darkness, experiencing healing, and shining the infinite power of God’s light into the darkness so others will be led to the only place where ultimate healing occurs. You are not alone.

Four Letters.

How can a single word evoke such deep pain?

When I say it, my lips tremble with disdain.

Filled with shame, I cried.

As I looked the pharmacist in the eyes.

That judgmental stare crippled me.

As I swiped my card and bought Plan B.

But there wasn’t a Plan A.

I wish I could say.

I have to remember, she does not know.

I begged and pleaded, “please no…no…no”

With the hopes of my memory being erased

I swallowed the pill, just in case.

The commercial made it look so easy.

So why am I now feeling so queasy?

That summer night, a piece of me was taken.

It was the very piece that should only ever be given.

I felt like I was left with a huge, gaping hole in my soul.

But, my Lord reminded me, that with Him, I am forever whole.

And clean and worthy and redeemed.

And all the things that I dreamed

could be achieved

If I stepped out of my grave

and kept trusting, and believing, and being brave.




7 thoughts on “Four Letters.

  1. Brooke Faircloth June 15, 2020 / 8:39 pm

    I believe You and I believe in You!


  2. Laura Zielke June 16, 2020 / 2:40 am

    So, you wrote it and held onto it until God prompted you with peace. We should all learn from your example. His timing is impeccable, and I have no doubt that He already made sure someone who needed to saw it.


  3. Amy Costin June 18, 2020 / 11:33 pm

    I love you, Kendall……you are one of the most amazing people that I know.


  4. Marci July 6, 2020 / 12:17 am

    Same thing happened to me, finally started facing how it started at 53. Thank you for sharing. Need love broken and crushed can only find it in Christ beloved


    • kendallw25 July 6, 2020 / 12:38 am

      Thank you for sharing that. It’s hard to accept when these things happen. It feels like it should be easier to ignore but it lives on inside of us. Letting the love of God permeate our inner most parts is healing. I found counseling to be a lifeline as well. Praying for you and I’m here, I can listen, and I will always believe.


  5. Marci July 6, 2020 / 2:46 am

    Try to just sometimes is so much pain. All I want is Jesus


  6. Marci July 6, 2020 / 3:04 am

    Thank you for praying dear sister.


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